Premium Package: YouĀ Have an Idea. We Write, Publish and Market Your Book.

Build Your Brand

Some people write books to build their brand and grow their business. Rise above your competition, differentiate yourself from the crowd, and create trust like never before.

Leave a Legacy

Books are amazing assets to tell your story (or your company's story) and leave a legacy. Let the future generations know about your life/business journey.

Premium Package: We Write, Publish and Market Your Book for You.

Our premium package is a comprehensive book writing and publishing service that utilizes interviews to capture your ideas and transform them into a manuscript that reflects your voice and style. This service, often referred to as ghostwriting, is an ideal choice if you desire to write and publish a book but do not possess a manuscript.

We will conduct several detailed interviews with you to extract all your ideas and thoughts and convert them into a book that is personalized and unique to you. The best part? You won't have to do the actual writing. We'll take care of that for you. Additionally, you'll have two opportunities to review and edit the manuscript during the process.

Moreover, this package includes everything in our other packages, plus a comprehensive marketing campaign as well. You can opt for eight payments of $3.5k or make a single payment of $25k upfront.


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What We Will Do for You

Help You Define the Outline and Core Message of Your Book

Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you create a book that resonates with your target audience. We'll work closely with you to outline the core message and identify your book's ideal readers. To help you bring your vision to life, we'll provide you with video tutorials on how to think about your book, and you'll book 6 progress calls with our publishing experts. 

Ghostwriting Services

We have a unique methodology to gather all of your ideas and translate them into a book that accurately captures your unique voice and style. You won't need to write anything yourself, as we'll interview you with our unique methodology and handle the manuscript creation for you. You'll also have two chances to review and edit the manuscript throughout the process. In addition, we'll also craft the author bio for you.

Moreover, we'll conduct thorough research and provide guidance to further develop your ideas, resulting in a more informative and enlightening book. Additionally, we can create tailored graphs, diagrams, and figures to enhance the visual representation of your concepts.

Professional Editing and Proofreading

Our team of professional editors will conduct a thorough developmental and copyediting review of your manuscript. Our developmental editing process will evaluate the structure, tone, pacing, and overall effectiveness of the book. Our copyediting process will focus on grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation, ensuring that your manuscript is error-free and easy to read. We'll also make sure that your manuscript is consistent in terms of style, formatting, and language usage. 


Layout, Formatting and Book Cover Design

Our team of highly skilled designers is dedicated to crafting exceptional book covers that are both visually captivating and sophisticated. Our goal is to not only create a design that catches the eye, but one that you will absolutely adore. To take it a step further, we also offer back cover marketing copy and a 3D mockup of your book cover, allowing you to showcase your book in a visually stunning way.

The interior layout of your book is just as important as its cover. That's why we take great care to ensure that your manuscript not only looks beautiful, but also reads seamlessly. And to guarantee the highest quality, we'll even proofread your manuscript once the layout is complete.

Publication and Distribution

As the author, you'll maintain full ownership of the copyright to your work, and you'll receive full royalties for all sales. With lifetime distribution on Amazon, you'll have complete creative control over the content of your book. This way, you can ensure that your book will reach a wider audience through these popular publishing platforms, all while retaining the rights to your work.

Your book will be available for purchase in Kindle, paperback, and hardcover editions on popular platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Professional Cataloging

As part of our publishing services, we will conduct thorough research to identify relevant keywords and categories for your book, and obtain the necessary ISBN for cataloging purposes. Additionally, we will help you reach a wider audience by cataloging your book with Library and Archives Canada, US Copyright Office, as well as listing it on Barnes & Noble and Indigo Books. Our goal is to ensure that your book is discoverable and accessible to readers across various platforms and markets.

Best-Seller Status

With our proven book promotion strategies and extensive network, we guarantee to position your book on at least one best-seller list on Amazon, with a goal of ranking among the top 10.

By achieving best-seller status, your book will benefit from increased visibility, credibility, and authority, which can lead to more sales and recognition. We are committed to helping you achieve your publishing goals and ensuring your book receives the recognition it deserves.


50 physical copies

After your book is published, we will deliver 50 soft-cover copies of your book directly to your doorstep.

If you need more copies for promotional purposes or to distribute among your friends and contacts, you can purchase them at a low author price either directly from Amazon or other retailers, which makes it easier for you to manage your inventory and distribution. You can enjoy the convenience of getting your books printed on demand, without worrying about storage or shipping logistics.

+ Comprehensive Marketing Package for your book. We will:

  • make your book hit at least one best-seller list on Amazon
  • equip you with two video tutorials on effective book marketing and sales strategies

  • arrange two private marketing consulting calls with you

  • write your author bio and book description for you

  • create six personalized banners for you to use in your social media book promotion efforts

  • guarantee 5 Amazon reviews
  • write a press release to generate media coverage for your book
  • produce a captivating video trailer for your book
  • secure a Kirkus book review
  • design a one-page author website to showcase your work and further promote your brand

Also optional at extra cost, we can:

  • launch your book at one of our own events 
  • run a campaign to feature you in media and podcasts 
Schedule a no-obligation friendly call with us!

Become an Amazon Best-Selling Author through this program!


As part of this package, we will run a campaign on the day of the publication of your book to make it hit at least one best-seller list on Amazon!

Imagine how your credibility will change when you gain the status of a best-selling author!

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Why work with us

  1. We have worked with more than 300 authors so far.
  2. We have been in this industry for 21 years.
  3. We have sold >2,500,000 copies of our books overall internationally.
  4. We guarantee the Amazon best-seller status.
  5. Just ask our clients!


We have tremendous experience in publishing and marketing books. We are the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD holder of 'Most Authors Signing the Same Book Online Simultaneously' for the book, Covid Acts of Kindness, which had 184 contributors worldwide.

"As an entrepreneur who has been in multiple businesses internationally, I have benefited from working with Shahab from North Star Success tremendously. I can definitely say he delivers on his promises. Working with him has provided me with great visibility and also access to his wonderful network of like-minded people. I have been able to grow my business, expand my network, and build a much stronger brand."

Sina Dejnabadi
Business Coach

"I'd like to thank Shahab from North Star Success for his dedication to his clients. Shahab has proven that he puts people before profit."

Sara Rahimi
Women Empowerment Coach

"Shahab from North Star Success is not only a great professional but also a phenomenal human being. When working with Shahab, you know that he is in your corner. Mr. Anari goes beyond his call of duty to ensure your success."

Arthur Smolarkiewicz
Business Performance Consultant

"Shahab from North Star Success is a true gentleman, I've done business with him on multiple occasions, including a book deal. He always over-delivers and looks after his clients very well. I am very grateful to know him and work with him."

Dr. Ahmed Ali
Founder of Success Actualization Coaching

Premium Package works like this:

1. You will have an Introductory Call with your publishing manager to discuss the project's scope, your vision, and the intended audience. This meeting also covers your goals and objectives, deadlines, and your expectations of the ghostwriter.

2. We will conduct research on the topic to be covered in the book. We also create a detailed outline that will serve as a roadmap for the book.

3. We will send you questions and you will answer them at your convenience, sending us voice messages.

4. Our experienced team will write the first draft of your book, using the research, outline and your ideas as a guide. We will be in regular communication with you during this phase to ensure that the book is on track and meets your expectations.

5. Once the first draft is complete, we will review and edit the manuscript to ensure it is well-structured, engaging, and free from errors. You will also review the manuscript and provide feedback for revisions.

6. Once all revisions have been made, you will get another chance to review and approve the final draft of the book.

7. We will then perform the formatting, book-cover design, and other publishing-related tasks, as well as providing you with guidance on how to promote the book.

8. The final step is to publish the book and promote it to the intended audience and make it available for purchase as kindle, hard-cover and paperback print-on-demand by individuals, physical stores and libraries through Amazon KDP and Ingram.

9. We will ship the 50 physical copies of your book to your address.

10. We will make your book hit at least 1 best-seller list on Amazon.

11. We will create a comprehensive marketing package for you, which includes writing a press release to generate media coverage, producing a captivating video trailer, securing a Kirkus book review and guaranteed Amazon reviews.

12. Additionally, we will design a one-page author website to showcase your work and further promote your brand.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and executives who would like to write, publish and market their book with the help of an experienced professional team who take pride in speed and quality.

In our philosophy, the intention of publishing a book is usually not getting rich through selling copies of the book. Rather, books:

  • help you build your brand and/or leave a legacy
  • give you the ultimate credibility in the market and build trust with your audience
  • create differentiation and set you apart from your competitors
  • open new doors and possibilities and allow you to make big money in the back-end. For example, you'll get speaking gigs, consulting clients, mentoring opportunities, and a lot of bigger clients will get attracted to you.

Of course, not everyone publishes a book for business purposes. Some people write books purely to tell their story and leave a legacy.

  • We hold a Guinness World Record in our industry.
  • We guarantee your book will hit at least one Amazon best-seller list.
  • We offer everything you need in terms of book publishing (writing, editing, publishing, design, marketing, etc.). We're a one-stop shop.
  • We're very experienced. We have been in this industry for 20+ years.
  • Our clients love us. Read the testimonials on this page!

We will set up your author account on major online retailers (Amazon and Barnes and Noble). Your book will be available for purchase in ebook format and physical print-on-demand format. Also, through our partnership with Ingram (which is the world's largest distribution network which traditional publishing houses use), we will also make your book available for purchase by physical stores and libraries. 

We will set up the author accounts under your name. You will get all the royalty that there is (we don't make money off of your book sales).

Become a published best-selling author

Share your message with the world. Raise your credibility and authority. Build your brand and leave a legacy.

Program Comparison

Essentials Package: We Publish Your Manuscript.

5 payments of $449 or just $1.995 upfront

Onboarding call

Publishing checklist

Admin support

Video tutorials 

Manuscript Evaluation

Book Cover Design

Formatting & Interior Layout

Full Distribution (Amazon, B&N, Indigo, Library and Archives Canada)

Complete Ownership & Full Royalties

Complete Author Control

5 Author Copies

Schedule a consult

Professional Package: You Write, We Publish and Market Your Book.

8 monthly payments of $799 or just $5.995 upfront

Everything in the Essentials Package PLUS

3 Progress calls included

Professional Book Editing

Hard-cover edition

Cataloging with public libraries and book stores

Registration with US copyright office

30 Author Copies

Amazon Author Page

Book Reviews

Book Launch Campaign to Hit the Best-Seller Status


Schedule a consult

Premium Package: You Have an Idea. We Write, Publish and Promote Your Book.

8 monthly payments of $3.5k or just $25k upfront

Everything in the Professional Package PLUS

Ghostwriting Services

6 Progress calls included

 Graphs, Diagrams and Figures included

 50 Author Copies

 2 Private Marketing Consulting Calls

 Press Release

Book Video Trailer

Kirkus Book Review

1-Page Author Website

Schedule a consult!

"From my very first interaction with Dr. Anari from North Star Success to now, he has shown nothing but a high level of integrity and commitment to getting things done. Shahab is a true gentleman, and I am very grateful to know him and to have had the opportunity work with him."

Raghwa Gopal

"North Star Success was the professional publisher for my co-authored book with Brian Tracy, operating always in an efficient and helpful way."

Liza Jones

"I'd like to thank Shahab from North Star Success for his continuous support and dedication to his clients. Shahab has proven that he puts people before profit."

Sara Rahimi
Women Empowerment Coach

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